Doing Less = Getting More Done

Every small business owner I know is suuuuper busy. 

Daily tasks, clients, opportunities, problems… it never ends! 

Remember: we’re human. It’s impossible to do everything at once. Owning a business isn’t your whole existence. You’ve got friends, family and… a life! 

So, not only is owning a business super busy, but so is being human – and you do both. 

You’re Probably Doing Too Much

Don’t get me wrong, I love being a ‘work-a-holic’. There’s nothing better than getting results for my clients. But can you work too much?


Working too much only leads to one thing – missed opportunities. 

If you spread yourself too thin, you guarantee your tasks won’t be completed to the highest possible standard. Do you really work that hard just for mediocre results? 

On top of that, rushing around all day makes you 100% more likely to miss golden opportunities. 

Imagine you’re busy emailing a client, while on call to a colleague, while checking the business bank account, and your lunch is still sitting on your desk! 

There’s so much going on that you forget to check the website for new lead form submissions, and a smoking-hot lead is left unanswered for days…

This happenssss all the time, to loads of businesses – you’re not alone. But, there’s a better way.

The Magic of Outsourcing 

Out sourcing is simple. You’re handing over the responsibility for a set of tasks to someone else. Could be staff, or an agency.

Maybe it’s marketing, website design or anything to help sign more clients. 

“I can’t afford outsourcing”

By outsourcing tasks, you do two things:

  1. Save time
  2. Improve the quality of results

The save you save can be put to a much better use: growing the business, networking etc. You’ll be able to make more money by spending your time more wisely. 

Then, while you’re out growing the buisness, those tasks you outsourced are getting completed better than you were doing them in the first place! 

All and all, outsourcing is key to any business developing. A jack of all trades is a master of non, as they say. 

Speak soon,


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